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Overview of Automated Emails Received by Hubs in Ooooby
Overview of Automated Emails Received by Hubs in Ooooby
Seb Mayfield avatar
Written by Seb Mayfield
Updated over a week ago

In Ooooby, hubs are equipped with a suite of automated emails designed to streamline communication and keep hub operators informed about critical aspects of their operations. These emails cover new subscriptions, cancellations, accounts exceeding debt limits, and summaries of scheduled payments. Understanding these emails can help hubs manage their customer relations and financial operations more effectively.

1. New Subscription

What You'll Receive:

  • Customer's Name and Email Address: Essential contact information of the new subscriber.

  • Order Details: Includes what they’ve ordered and the frequency, e.g., "1 Small Veg every 2 weeks."

  • Direct Link to Customer Overview: Provides immediate access to the customer’s detailed account for further action or review.

This email helps hubs quickly identify and welcome new customers, ensuring their orders are correctly processed and managed.

2. Cancelled Subscription

What You'll Receive:

  • Cancelling Customer’s Name and Order: Information about the customer and their last order before cancellation.

  • Direct Link to Customer Overview: Useful for understanding the customer’s history and checking if they completed a cancellation survey to gather insights into their reasons for leaving.

This email aids in identifying trends or issues leading to cancellations, offering opportunities for improvement or re-engagement.

3. Accounts Exceeding Debt Limit

What You'll Receive:

  • Notification of Overdue Accounts: Lists customers whose account balances have fallen below the set debt limit, resulting in a pause of their subscriptions until the balance is settled.

Example Notification:


The following people have exceeded their debt limit, so their subscriptions have been paused until their accounts are credited.

Jo Bloggs: -£53.00 (limit of -£50.00)

Kind regards,
Ooooby Website

This email is crucial for maintaining financial health and ensuring customers are aware of and address their outstanding balances.

4. Scheduled Payments Summary

What You'll Receive:

  • Details of Payment Transactions: Information on the outcome of scheduled payments, including both failures and successes, to keep you updated on financial transactions.

Example Notifications:


There were no failed transactions.

Failed total: £0.00 Succeeded total: £93.80

Kind regards,
Ooooby Website



The following people were scheduled to be billed recently, but their transaction failed and requires following up;

Jo Bloggs - £35.93 - The transaction was declined. Funds were not transferred.
Failed total: £91.37 Succeeded total: £850.52

Kind regards,
Ooooby Website

This email provides a concise summary of payment outcomes, helping hubs follow up on any failed transactions and keep track of successful payments.


Automated emails to hubs in Ooooby are instrumental in managing customer relationships and financial operations efficiently. They enable hubs to stay informed about new and cancelled subscriptions, monitor accounts with overdue payments, and keep abreast of the status of scheduled payments. These communications are essential for smooth day-to-day operations and long-term success.

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