This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to manually input addresses into the Admin Dashboard, ensuring accurate and efficient customer and delivery management.
Adding an Address Manually
Occasionally, you might need to manually add or update addresses in your system. Whether it’s for a new customer or updating an existing location, here’s how to do it:
Step 1: Navigate to Add Address
Log into the Admin Dashboard.
Click on the 'Customers' tab, then select 'Add Address'.
Step 2: Enter Address Details
Begin typing the address name
If the address is recognised, details will automatically populate.
Address Details
Fields: Building, Floor, Unit, through to Country.
Instruction: Fill in these details manually if they haven't been auto-populated.
Delivery Instruction
Note: For hub and drop site addresses, you can leave this blank as there's another section for adding specific collection instructions.
Is Business Address
Action: Tick this box if the address is for a business.
Step 3: Save the Address
Action: Once all details are accurately filled in, click 'Save'.
Double-check the address details for accuracy before saving. Incorrect information can lead to delivery issues.
Allowing Manual Override for Address Entry
In some cases you may find that the address details aren't auto-filling or that the map's red pin isn't being placed accurately. In either of these cases click 'Allow manual override', enabling you to do one of the following:
Manually input the address details
Move the red pin on the map to the correct location.
Making use of the 'manual override' option when necessary, ensures the highest level of accuracy in address positioning.
Manually adding addresses to the Crew Dashboard is a simple process designed to ensure that your operations run smoothly. Accurate address entry is crucial for efficient customer management and delivery operations. Remember to review and update address information regularly to maintain the accuracy of your database.